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Irina Nola , B.A. psychology
(St. Petersburg State University, Russia)
Certified Hypnotherapist (Hypnotherapy Academy of America)
Certified Past Life Regression Therapist (Dr. Brian Weiss' Institute)
Certified Quantum Healing Hypnosis Practitioner, advanced level ( Dolores Cannon's QHHT Academy)
Irina Nola is a Russian-born hypnotherapist living in New Orleans, LA.
Irina is bilingual Russian/English and practice hypnotherapy in both languages. She has a slight European accent - English-speaking clients understand her easily, and she is used to Spanish and French accents common in Louisiana.
Irina graduated from St.Petersburg (Russia) State University in 1983 with a degree in clinical psychology, specializing in psychotherapy. She did research work at the Psycho-Neorological Institute named after Pr. Bekhterev and assisited at group psychotherapy sessions in the Clinic of Neurosis. Later she taught psychology in several colleges in Saint Petersburg. She managed Psychological Center in a local Youth Club and was leading personal development groups for young people. Irina moved to USA in 1990 and has been earning her living as an artist for many years.
She enrolled in Hypnotherapy Academy of America in Santa Fe, NM and earned her hypnotherapy certification in 2012. She had 300 hours of classroom time and 200 hours of practice before successfully passing theoretical and practical exams.
Irina's main specialty is past life regression hypnotherapy. Irina studied with Dr. Brian Weiss - the author of international best seller "Many Lives, Many Masters" and numerous other books on past life regression/future life progression and she is certified to practice his method of past life therapy. Irina also took level 1 and 2 (advanced) workshops with Dolores Cannon - the founder of Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique. QHHT can be called an expanded past life regression, as in this method we are able to access Higher Self - the deepest level of Subconscious Mind which is not incarnated in the physical body and has 'bird's eye view" on client's present and past lives. (more on QHHT page)
She also offeres Future Life Progression (FLP), Twin Flame/Soulmate Regressions - dealing with one relationship in this life and past lives or Spiritual Reality, and Between Life Regression (BLP) - exploring existence between lives in physical bodies. She also occasionally does sessions with UFO contactees.
Past Life Regression or QHHT can address emotional or physical issues rooted in past lives, clarify relationships or clear blocks to finding love, help to connect with Spirit Guides and Ancestors, access abilities and skills from past lives and directly attune psychic or healing abilities with Guides, explore Afterlife and met loved ones who passed. The biggest advantage of PLR or QHHT is reducing the fear of death, as clients see for themselves that the soul does not stop existing, does not go to Hell, but visits the Spirit Realm after death and reincarnates. This experience alone can make clients feel much lighter and free, but we also do a lot of healing for their particular issues and they get lots of information from viewing past lives, talking to Guides and Higher Self and reading their Akashic Books in the Hall of Records. Between Lives Regression (BLR) is offered as an additional modality for exploring Afterlife and communicating with high level spirits.
In person sessions are usually conducted in her Gentilly location which is convenient for locals or clients who drive from nearby towns as it has a driveway and the traffic is not as bad as near the Quarter. (this is not the address listed on Google, I will give it to you in an email) If you are visiting and have a hotel room - I will gladly go there, hotel rooms are good for this work as they are very neutral. I also occasionally agree to visit personal residencies. But most of my work is now online on Zoom, so you do not have to travel to New Orleans for a session, unless you specifically want a QHHT session which can be only done in person.