Dr. Brian Weiss' method of past life regression hypnotherapy.
About half of the world population today believes in REINCARNATION - the idea that a soul incarnates many times in different bodies and learns lessons in each life, and progresses towards enlightenment - a state of purity and connection with ALL THAT IS. After the soul attains this state - it does not need to incarnate in physical reality anymore and continues its journey in higher spiritual realms, or comes back to Earth as a Spiritual Teacher to help other beings to reach this enlightened state of consciousness. Different religions have different views on how reincarnation works. Some teach about TRANSMIGRATION of souls (the soul experiences being minerals and elementals, plants and animals before taking on human bodies - and sometimes even has to go back to being an animal or plant) . Other faiths state that souls are specially created to inhibit human bodies and do not experience animal or plant lives...
All Eastern religions, some branches of Judaism and Sufism accept reincarnation. Early Christians also shared this belief - but it was declared a "heresy" by Catholic Church when Christianity became a state religion in European countries and many Gnostic Christians in Middle Ages were tortured and killed by Inquisition for teaching about it.
Reincarnation has been looked upon as Eastern/Oriental curiosity by Westerners for many centuries - till in 20th century clinical hypnotherapists "stumbled upon" past life experiences of their clients...It typically happened when hypnotherapists performed AGE REGRESSIONS to find the cause of clients' problems in childhood memories - but instead of remembering their childhood traumas patients would end up talking about other lives - in different countries and different centuries....and sometimes they even started speaking foreign languages or speaking with a foreign accent! But the most amazing things were happening after hypnosis - patients would lose all their fears, anxieties and even physical illnesses after these sessions, even if they were given a post-hypnotic suggestion NOT TO REMEMBER anything happening during hypnosis! A typical past life regression for a patient with fear of water would lead to a memory of drowning in a past life, somebody afraid of snakes would vividly recall being bitten by a snake and dying, a person with chronic back pain would go into a war scene and experience being killed by a sword or a spear from the back etc etc. There were several popular books written about past life regressions in mid-20th century , the most famous one about Brady Murphy - past life Irish persona of an American housewife. But the book which really opened this topic for mainstream media was "Many Lives, Many Masters" by Dr. Brian Weiss - a psychiatrist from Miami who broke 'the wall of silence" about this method as a valid therapy for many 'borderline" psychiatric disorders - phobias (irrational fears), anxiety, insomnia and even some psychosomatic problems like allergies, chronic pain, indigestion etc etc Many of his clients spent years in psycho-analytic therapy without good results, but got healed in one or several past life regression sessions.
All Eastern religions, some branches of Judaism and Sufism accept reincarnation. Early Christians also shared this belief - but it was declared a "heresy" by Catholic Church when Christianity became a state religion in European countries and many Gnostic Christians in Middle Ages were tortured and killed by Inquisition for teaching about it.
Reincarnation has been looked upon as Eastern/Oriental curiosity by Westerners for many centuries - till in 20th century clinical hypnotherapists "stumbled upon" past life experiences of their clients...It typically happened when hypnotherapists performed AGE REGRESSIONS to find the cause of clients' problems in childhood memories - but instead of remembering their childhood traumas patients would end up talking about other lives - in different countries and different centuries....and sometimes they even started speaking foreign languages or speaking with a foreign accent! But the most amazing things were happening after hypnosis - patients would lose all their fears, anxieties and even physical illnesses after these sessions, even if they were given a post-hypnotic suggestion NOT TO REMEMBER anything happening during hypnosis! A typical past life regression for a patient with fear of water would lead to a memory of drowning in a past life, somebody afraid of snakes would vividly recall being bitten by a snake and dying, a person with chronic back pain would go into a war scene and experience being killed by a sword or a spear from the back etc etc. There were several popular books written about past life regressions in mid-20th century , the most famous one about Brady Murphy - past life Irish persona of an American housewife. But the book which really opened this topic for mainstream media was "Many Lives, Many Masters" by Dr. Brian Weiss - a psychiatrist from Miami who broke 'the wall of silence" about this method as a valid therapy for many 'borderline" psychiatric disorders - phobias (irrational fears), anxiety, insomnia and even some psychosomatic problems like allergies, chronic pain, indigestion etc etc Many of his clients spent years in psycho-analytic therapy without good results, but got healed in one or several past life regression sessions.
Irina attended Dr. Brian and Carol Weiss professional workshop in Omega Institute in and became certified in Past Life Regression Therapy.
Typical PLR session lasts about 1.5-2.5 hours, the first session is usually longer for interview . You can have as many sessions as you like if you want to discover your soul's journey through many lives you lived. Ability to go deep into hypnotic trance can be learned and you usually go deeper and deeper with each consecutive session. It also helps to listen to hypnotic CDs - Brian Weiss has many of them available on www.Amazon.com . If you have a particular psychological or physical problem which may have its origin in a past life - one or two sessions may be enough find the cause of your difficulties. If the problem is health related - please check with medical doctors first! PLR is not a substitute for medical help. If you are experiencing chronic physical pain and doctors do not find anything wrong with your body - this may be indication of 'past life carry-over".
During PLR session client is guided into a light trance state (alpha brain waves, most clients are fully conscious and self-aware during these sessions) and we go through 1 or 2 past lives (if the first life you access is uneventful or very short - we go into another life.)You do experience dying in a past life - but you will not feel any strong emotions or physical pain, as you will be able to watch the death scene from the position of an observer, like watching a movie. If you sense a presence of a Spirit Guide after exiting the past life body - we can ask up to 3 questions and get guidance. If you have a lot of questions you want answered - I recommend doing QHHT session instead (next page) or have an additional session for Q and A with Guides. We can also have a quick look into your Akashic Records during these sessions - this is not taught by Brian Weiss, but I use my knowledge from Between Lives sessions to take you to the Library or hall of Records in the Afterlife.
I recommend doing Brian Weiss method of PLR session if you are curious about your past lives or if you have an isolated phobia (fear of water, heights, closed spaces etc) or any other particular issue (anxiety in certain situations, feeling blocked in carrier or personal life etc). PLR helps to access the life where this issue started and it is possible to heal it in one session, as remembering the event which produced the phobia/anxiety helps to eliminate it. PLR can also be helpful in healing allergies or chronic pain which has no medical explanation (but doctors say it's nothing wrong medically) . You can also understand the origin of unusual recurring dream or daydream or feeling or a "deja vu" (seen before) in a certain places when you visited there for the first time.
PLR can shed light on a relationship problems, however, it may take more then 1 session to figure out past life connections with several of your significant others. If you want to experience your past lives with several people - I recommend doing QHHT or BLR session instead, or you should have SEVERAL PLR sessions. If this is a romantic relationship - we can do Twin Flame/Soulmate regression instead of general PLR, in these sessions you are sent specifically into a past life with this person's soul. and we look into other shared lives and the 'birth of souls" and Soul Group in Akashic Records.
PLR sessions are 3 hours, 300$ online or in person. If you are visiting and want to have a longer session with several past lives - we can also do 4-5 hour session, those are 450$, in person only. I can not do anything longer than 5 hours - this would be way too tiring for both of us. My online sessions are 3 hours, 300$ for the first session, 200$ for additional ones, they are a bit shorter as we do not need long pre-talk,a s we already know each other.