Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) is spiritual hypnotherapy method pioneered by Dolores Cannon. It can be only practiced in person, so if you are looking for an online session - look at other modalities, please.
Most of my QHHT clients find me in the listings on the official Dolores Cannon's Academy web-site www.dolorescannon.com and they already know a lot about her, have read her books and watched her videos on QHHT channel on youtube. But in case you have never heard about her - let me say a couple of words about her life and method.
History of QHHT
(skip this section if you are familiar with Dolores Cannon's work)
Dolores Cannon has an amazing life story. She was a "Navy wife" with 4 kids living on a Navy base in Texas in 60s. Her husband was a mechanic in the Navy, and in his leisure time he was an amateur hypnotist, practicing simple suggestions for weigh loss and reducing stress, and he started doing past life regressions for fun. She was audio-taping and transcribing sessions for him, and you can read about these sessions in her book "Five lives remembered" which is about past life journeys of a female friend of their family. Dolores' husband was hit by a drunk driver and became disabled, and the family had to move to Arkansas to be able to survive on his small pension. For many years Dolores selflessly took care of her husband and kids, but when kids grew up and began college she needed something to occupy herself with - and she got into doing past life regressions herself. For many years she was doing it as a hobby for all the friends and neighbors, and she also got invited to do regression hypnosis on UFO abductees and contactees and became a part of the UFO investigations community, speaking at many conferences and wrote a book "Custodians" about alien abductions. She also worked with subjects able to channel discarnate entities and wrote 4 books based on channeling of the spirit of Nostradamus. Because of her UFO investigation work she was especially interested in past lives on other planets as many souls incarnating on Earth today come from other planets and dimensions and are here "volunteering" to raise the vibration of our planet. She wrote "Three Waves of Volunteers" book based on transcripts of such cases, and went on writing 4 volumes of "Convoluted Universe" telling stories from hypnotic regressions of subjects who remembered their lives on different planets/dimensions and why they decided to incarnate on Earth. (volume 5 was printed after her death) Her books read as a good science fiction! But all the stories come from hypnotic regressions of real people, who are not sci fi writers...And many of them were "somnambulistic" - they were in very deep trance and did not even remember what they saw after they woke up! (that's why all sessions are audio-recorded).
While doing regressions Dolores Cannon discovered the existence of "SC" (Subconscious with capital "S" - which is also called Super-Conscious Mind, Higher Self or Over-soul) - she was able to communicate with the deepest levels of her subjects' psyche - a part of a being which does not incarnate in physical bodies and always remains in the Spirit World. This energy has its own voice, different from the subject's voice or voices from past lives, and it is able to provide insights on the clients' life stories - current and past lives, answer their questions and it could also energetically heal ailments or share advice on lifestyle changes and treatment necessary for healing.
One of my favorite books is "Between Death and LIfe" - describing souls' adventures in the Afterlife, different areas they visit, life review, Guides, Council, Hall of Records, Tapestry Room, Healing Temples and other Afterlife areas. I had a long talk with Dolores during level 2 workshop and I have her personal blessing for taking clients into "Between Death and Life" state, we always go to Healing Temples after viewing traumatic past lives, visit Hall of Records (Akashic Library) and any other Afterlife areas related to client's questions and interests. We also meet Guides and Angels and Ancestral Guides (often parents and grandparents in this life) and some clients connect with their Council or Ascended Masters (Jesus, Buddha, Quan Yin etc)
What can QHHT session do for you?
We begin by journeying into the past and exploring your past lives or past events in current life. If you are curious about your past lives - this will satisfy your curiosity, and you will also see events in past lives which are relevant to your current life. If there were major past life traumas - they will be shown to you and we will heal them, so they do not not carry over into this life and create fears or blockages. However, not everybody sees past lives in QHHT sessions - if it is important for you to see past events in this life - this will be shown to you instead. Also, clients who are very religious might not see any past lives as this would be against their deep seated beliefs - they are usually shown events in this life, or pre-birth existence in Heaven, or a metaphoric story about somebody else's life which illustrates their current issues or provide inspiration. If you are a Volunteer and never had any past lives on Earth - you will go directly into higher dimensional realms or will access an extra-terrestrial life on another world. Occasionally clients see parallel lives or parallel realities in sessions - lives in modern times in other bodies, or different versions of their current life which turned differently as different decisions were made, family moved to another state or country, the client chose different occupation etc. WE can also travel into 5-10 years into the future in this life - the most beneficial timeline or into future lives. This is mostly done for inspiration and connecting with Ideal Future Self, future is not set in stone, but viewing beneficial future helps to attract it.
After we spend 1-2 hours in past lives or "other existences" - we connect with your Higher Self or Spirit Guides and I ask your questions and request healing. We can also go on tour of exploration of Spirit World or your Home World (for Volunteers).
QHHT sessions provide spiritual guidance on issues of relationships, parenting, career, life purpose, skills and talents, diet, lifestyle, hobbies, best places to live or travel destinations. Higher Self is able to heal emotional traumas from past lives or from this life, improve your confidence and self esteem, help to set new goals for this life.
You can also use your QHHT session for creative inspiration in arts or science, understanding of meanings of your dreams and daydreams, clarifying unusual events in your life and even getting answers to your metaphysical questions. Some clients are able to channel benevolent beings from Higher dimensions and their own aspects from the future or from advanced civilizations.
We can also ask Higher Self or Guides to take you on tour of the Spirit World, or if you are of ET origin - your home-world. Clients may be able to communicate with loved ones and ancestors on the other side, you can visit your soul family and get insights on planning of this life, meet different Guides who work with you, visit Council, Hall of Records, Healing Temples etc. Afterlife exploration in QHHT is based on Dolores Cannon's book "Between Death and Life", this is not an obligatory part of QHHT session, but you can add Spirit World exploration questions to your list of requests.
Please bring 10-20 "guidance" questions to your Higher Self and Guides for a QHHT sessions, they should divided by topic and not be repetitive. Please, send me all the questions and healing requests in an email 1-2 days before the session.
The important part of QHHT session is healing of physical and emotional issues. It is energetic/spiritual healing, and it is done not be me, but by your own Higher Self of Spirit Guides - so it truly is "self healing", I am only facilitating the session. The results may vary, there are no guarantees, but miracles do happen in these sessions. Your Higher Self or guides will also give you an idea - why did you have an ailment, and what do you need to do to prevent it from coming back. It is important to listen to your session and follow all the advice you got from Higher Self/Guides in order to achieve improvements in health and well being. I need to know about your ailments (if any) and all medications you are taking prior to booking a session. Also, please, read "scope of practice" and disclaimer on "booking a session" page to clarify ethical/legal issues related to healing in QHHT or any other hypnotherapy method.
You can also ask for energy healing for your family members, close friends and pets. This is called 'surrogate healing" and works with people or animals with whom client has strong emotional bond. You do need to ask their permission to do this work, except for small children and pets.
If you are in perfect health - you can always ask for REJUVINATION and RENEWAL, improving your appearance, energy levels, concentration, academic or professional performance, libido, zest for life. Everybody looks and feels younger and more attractive after QHHT sessions!
There is no limit on healing requests, but surrogate healing requests should be only for people close to you - family members, pets or closest friends, not casual friends or healing clients, it requires deep emotional connection to work.
History of QHHT
(skip this section if you are familiar with Dolores Cannon's work)
Dolores Cannon has an amazing life story. She was a "Navy wife" with 4 kids living on a Navy base in Texas in 60s. Her husband was a mechanic in the Navy, and in his leisure time he was an amateur hypnotist, practicing simple suggestions for weigh loss and reducing stress, and he started doing past life regressions for fun. She was audio-taping and transcribing sessions for him, and you can read about these sessions in her book "Five lives remembered" which is about past life journeys of a female friend of their family. Dolores' husband was hit by a drunk driver and became disabled, and the family had to move to Arkansas to be able to survive on his small pension. For many years Dolores selflessly took care of her husband and kids, but when kids grew up and began college she needed something to occupy herself with - and she got into doing past life regressions herself. For many years she was doing it as a hobby for all the friends and neighbors, and she also got invited to do regression hypnosis on UFO abductees and contactees and became a part of the UFO investigations community, speaking at many conferences and wrote a book "Custodians" about alien abductions. She also worked with subjects able to channel discarnate entities and wrote 4 books based on channeling of the spirit of Nostradamus. Because of her UFO investigation work she was especially interested in past lives on other planets as many souls incarnating on Earth today come from other planets and dimensions and are here "volunteering" to raise the vibration of our planet. She wrote "Three Waves of Volunteers" book based on transcripts of such cases, and went on writing 4 volumes of "Convoluted Universe" telling stories from hypnotic regressions of subjects who remembered their lives on different planets/dimensions and why they decided to incarnate on Earth. (volume 5 was printed after her death) Her books read as a good science fiction! But all the stories come from hypnotic regressions of real people, who are not sci fi writers...And many of them were "somnambulistic" - they were in very deep trance and did not even remember what they saw after they woke up! (that's why all sessions are audio-recorded).
While doing regressions Dolores Cannon discovered the existence of "SC" (Subconscious with capital "S" - which is also called Super-Conscious Mind, Higher Self or Over-soul) - she was able to communicate with the deepest levels of her subjects' psyche - a part of a being which does not incarnate in physical bodies and always remains in the Spirit World. This energy has its own voice, different from the subject's voice or voices from past lives, and it is able to provide insights on the clients' life stories - current and past lives, answer their questions and it could also energetically heal ailments or share advice on lifestyle changes and treatment necessary for healing.
One of my favorite books is "Between Death and LIfe" - describing souls' adventures in the Afterlife, different areas they visit, life review, Guides, Council, Hall of Records, Tapestry Room, Healing Temples and other Afterlife areas. I had a long talk with Dolores during level 2 workshop and I have her personal blessing for taking clients into "Between Death and Life" state, we always go to Healing Temples after viewing traumatic past lives, visit Hall of Records (Akashic Library) and any other Afterlife areas related to client's questions and interests. We also meet Guides and Angels and Ancestral Guides (often parents and grandparents in this life) and some clients connect with their Council or Ascended Masters (Jesus, Buddha, Quan Yin etc)
What can QHHT session do for you?
We begin by journeying into the past and exploring your past lives or past events in current life. If you are curious about your past lives - this will satisfy your curiosity, and you will also see events in past lives which are relevant to your current life. If there were major past life traumas - they will be shown to you and we will heal them, so they do not not carry over into this life and create fears or blockages. However, not everybody sees past lives in QHHT sessions - if it is important for you to see past events in this life - this will be shown to you instead. Also, clients who are very religious might not see any past lives as this would be against their deep seated beliefs - they are usually shown events in this life, or pre-birth existence in Heaven, or a metaphoric story about somebody else's life which illustrates their current issues or provide inspiration. If you are a Volunteer and never had any past lives on Earth - you will go directly into higher dimensional realms or will access an extra-terrestrial life on another world. Occasionally clients see parallel lives or parallel realities in sessions - lives in modern times in other bodies, or different versions of their current life which turned differently as different decisions were made, family moved to another state or country, the client chose different occupation etc. WE can also travel into 5-10 years into the future in this life - the most beneficial timeline or into future lives. This is mostly done for inspiration and connecting with Ideal Future Self, future is not set in stone, but viewing beneficial future helps to attract it.
After we spend 1-2 hours in past lives or "other existences" - we connect with your Higher Self or Spirit Guides and I ask your questions and request healing. We can also go on tour of exploration of Spirit World or your Home World (for Volunteers).
QHHT sessions provide spiritual guidance on issues of relationships, parenting, career, life purpose, skills and talents, diet, lifestyle, hobbies, best places to live or travel destinations. Higher Self is able to heal emotional traumas from past lives or from this life, improve your confidence and self esteem, help to set new goals for this life.
You can also use your QHHT session for creative inspiration in arts or science, understanding of meanings of your dreams and daydreams, clarifying unusual events in your life and even getting answers to your metaphysical questions. Some clients are able to channel benevolent beings from Higher dimensions and their own aspects from the future or from advanced civilizations.
We can also ask Higher Self or Guides to take you on tour of the Spirit World, or if you are of ET origin - your home-world. Clients may be able to communicate with loved ones and ancestors on the other side, you can visit your soul family and get insights on planning of this life, meet different Guides who work with you, visit Council, Hall of Records, Healing Temples etc. Afterlife exploration in QHHT is based on Dolores Cannon's book "Between Death and Life", this is not an obligatory part of QHHT session, but you can add Spirit World exploration questions to your list of requests.
Please bring 10-20 "guidance" questions to your Higher Self and Guides for a QHHT sessions, they should divided by topic and not be repetitive. Please, send me all the questions and healing requests in an email 1-2 days before the session.
The important part of QHHT session is healing of physical and emotional issues. It is energetic/spiritual healing, and it is done not be me, but by your own Higher Self of Spirit Guides - so it truly is "self healing", I am only facilitating the session. The results may vary, there are no guarantees, but miracles do happen in these sessions. Your Higher Self or guides will also give you an idea - why did you have an ailment, and what do you need to do to prevent it from coming back. It is important to listen to your session and follow all the advice you got from Higher Self/Guides in order to achieve improvements in health and well being. I need to know about your ailments (if any) and all medications you are taking prior to booking a session. Also, please, read "scope of practice" and disclaimer on "booking a session" page to clarify ethical/legal issues related to healing in QHHT or any other hypnotherapy method.
You can also ask for energy healing for your family members, close friends and pets. This is called 'surrogate healing" and works with people or animals with whom client has strong emotional bond. You do need to ask their permission to do this work, except for small children and pets.
If you are in perfect health - you can always ask for REJUVINATION and RENEWAL, improving your appearance, energy levels, concentration, academic or professional performance, libido, zest for life. Everybody looks and feels younger and more attractive after QHHT sessions!
There is no limit on healing requests, but surrogate healing requests should be only for people close to you - family members, pets or closest friends, not casual friends or healing clients, it requires deep emotional connection to work.
QHHT sessions usually last 4-5 hours including pre-talk, though I had longer sessions before. The pre-talk is about an hour, and the trance prt of the session 3-4 hours, we also have a quick post talk and I email you the recording, or you can bring a memory stick and we copy the mp3 on it. I only book 1 client a day for QHHT, so we will not be in a rush to finish by certain hour. Occasionally Higher Self or Guide says "The client is tired, we need to finish" - in this case I will wake you from trance and schedule another session to continue on another day, but this is quite rare. It is not advisable to do QHHT often, it is "once in a lifetime" event for many clients, but you are welcome to come back in 6 months for another session after you comprehended all the material we went through.
I am a certified level 2 QHHT practitioner, I took both level 1 and level 2 classes with Dolores Cannon in person before she passed in 2014. Level 2 offered additional scripts for working with clients who can't reach hypnotic state with the original level 1 script, I am also a certified hypnotherapist and I am well prepared who work with clients who are not easy to hypnotize.
I will be asking your questions to your Higher Self and/or Spirit Guides during the QHHT session - so you will have to bring a LIST OF QUESTIONS (10-20 questions recommended, not more than 25, please). It is easier for both of us if these questions are organized by topics - "Life Purpose". "Career", ''Relationships", "Spirituality" etc. I am just suggesting these sections as they are the most popular ones, but you can add any sections you want! Higher Self usually does not answer ALL your questions - but some of them will be answered extensively. Higher Self views your life from a very different angle then your Rational Mind, as it is beyond Time and Space and knows all about your Soul's Evolution...If you have metaphysical questions - please put them after the personal questions on your list of questions...It might take a while to write all these questions down, so do not delay it till the day before the session, make sure they do not repeat, and do not include 'closed" questions with yes or no answers. Any questions about the future are usually not answered by Guides or HS as they exist beyond space and time, can view many possible timelines and can't tell you what will definitely happen and when. If you have questions about the future - we can go into most beneficial future timeline for inspiration, we can also look at several possible futures related to current choices. But future is never 'set in stone", timelines can change. When you write down these questions - you might start getting answers in dreams or meditation, if you already have good connection with SC or Guides. If you had a 'grand dream" before the session - write it down and bring it to the session also.
All healing requests for yourself and loved ones go on 'Healing Requests list", you can also ask for attunement for your own healing abilities - your Higher Self and Healing Guides gladly attune your hands for healing others. Please email me your list of questions and list of healing requests a day or two before the session - so I can familiarize myself with them. If you get more questions on the day of the session or during pre-talk - we can add 'last minute questions" to these 2 lists.
Please, have GOOD NIGHT SLEEP on the night before the session. Hypnosis is NOT SLEEP, but if you are very tired and sleepy - you can just fall asleep during the session...I have my 'bag of tricks" to keep you in hypnogogic state and not let you slide into delta brainwaves (usual sleep), but if you are very tired - I will just let you sleep for a while or reschedule the session...Do not have late night parties or work all night before the session!
DO NOT DRINK COFFEE or CAFFEINATED SODA, ENERGY DRINKS or GREEN TEA 3-4 hours before the session - as stimulant drinks can affect the relaxation process. Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated before the session, if you only drink bottled water - bring some with you. (I have filtered water , but not bottles) Please, do not use alcohol or recreational drugs on the day of the session, and no heavy drinking the day before. If you are using psychotropic prescription medication - we will have to discuss it upfront, please let me know about it in your email - as it might affect the session and I will have make some changes in the induction to counteract the effects of this medication.
If you smoke and want to smoke a cigarette on the balcony before the trance part of session - it is perfectly OK with me, do not be shy to ask. (but no smoke breaks during the session, you would not need them anyway when in trance, and I can give you post hypnotic suggestions if you wish to quit or reduce smoking, we can also add it to healing requests). It is OK to use the bathroom during the session or drink water if you feel thirsty. If you take medications or use inhalers - let me know before the session, bring them with you. If you have any chemical sensitivities - please, let me know in advance, so I avoid these chemicals for cleaning/laundry before your visit. But it might be better for me to go to you house if you have very strong chemical sensitivities, or any other issue requiring your own space - add r/t Uber fee from French Quarter to the session fee if you want me to go to your location.
Come with OPENED MIND! You never know what will happen during QHHT session , what kind of past life or previous existence you will experience, how deep you will be able to go into Spirit World, whom will you meet there and what kind of advice and healing you will get.
Recording will be sent to you via Google drive or www.wetransfer.com website, as these are big files. You can also bring a memory stick.
I accept payments in cash/travelers checks/money orders (cash a plus), I do not take credit cards. You can pay after the session, the price is 350$. Uber fee will be added to sessions in your location (New Orleans metro only), or I can walk to hotels in French Quarter/CBD.
After the Session
YOU MUST LISTEN TO THE RECORDING after the session as you will not clearly remember all what was said, especially when we get into spirit world and start talking to Higher Self...It is also very important to listen to the session to heal your ailments and make sure you follow Higher Self advice on diet, emotional patterns, relationships etc - so the malady does not come back when healed.
I prefer if you DO NOT DRIVE long distance after QHHT sessions, especially if you spent more then 3,5 hours in trance... I you have to drive - give yourself an hour to get grounded, have some food, walk around before driving home. Now it is a good time to have coffee or caffientated soda. You should take the rest of the day off and spend time jouranaling and listening to your tape. There may be more information and details coming to you, you can also have vivid dreams for the next week and I highly recommend keeping a dream journal and a pen near your bed to write them down.
"Take it easy" for several days after the session, as you might be going through detoxification of the body and energetic restructuring, drink a lot of water and spend time in nature, walk barefoot if possible for grounding, meditate, rest, listen to harmonious music. You might feel quite sensitive to crowds or hectic situations for several days after the session, so it is better not to plan any major traveling, moving house or important business meetings right after the session. It is recommended to abstain from alcohol/recreational drugs for several days after the session as they can interfere with healing process which usually continues for several days after the session.
Here's Dolores Cannon's video you may want to watch about what to expect - and not to expect from QHHT session CLICK here for video.
Here is the picture from Level 1 class in 2012 (I am the lady in teal outfit, sitting at Dolores' feet)